Sunday, March 6, 2011

change your xp startup and shutdown music with easy steps

Two type we can change First type
step1.Go to Control Panel

step2:Sounds and Audio prperties

step3:Click sounds tab in below list select windows logon

step4:click browse to select the sound in .wav format

step5:click ok and restart

Another Method

Step 1.

Choose the track which you want to play at start-up and shutdown jingles,

Limitations are

It should be in .WAV format.
The size of file should not be large, prefer keeping them within in 1 Mb, otherwise

your startup will take a bit longer.
If the file you want to make your start-up or shutdown is not in .WAV format, you can

easily convert them using Jet Audio 7, or any other converter.

Step 2.

Now rename these files as “Windows XP Startup.WAV” and “Windows XP

Shutdown.WAV” respectively.

Step 3.

Now Go to “C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA”, here you will find files “Windows XP

Startup.WAV” and “Windows XP Shutdown.WAV”, move them to some other

locations, this step is required for, in case you need to revert back these sounds, else

you can ignore this step.

Step 4.

Now the files you have chosen and renamed, just copy-paste or cut paste them in

“C:\WINDOWS\MEDIA”, here you go, now you can enjoy the new Start-up and


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